Welcome to Trinity.
With early church roots dating back to 1842, Trinity United Church has a rich history in the community of Wallaceburg. Since that time, our faith community has continued to grow and to serve our town with love.
What We Believe
The United Church of Canada has a long history of welcoming people of all backgrounds and orientations – wherever you are in your faith journey. Trinity United Church similarly strives to be a community that welcomes all. To learn more about Trinity, visit our 'What We Believe' page. Accessibility and Inclusion
Trinity strives to support an inclusive environment. That means our doors are open to welcome all whom may enter! As one of our favourite hymns by James Manley proclaims, "Come in, come in and sit down, you are a part of the family"! Visit our Sunday Service page to learn more about the accessible features at Trinity. |
Mission and Outreach
Trinity's purpose is to be witnesses of our faith, to worship God, and to reach out with love to all people. Trinity 'reaches out with love' by supporting community outreach, global partnerships, and human rights efforts across Canada and around the world! To learn more about Trinity's Mission and Outreach, visit our 'Mission and Outreach' page. Weekly Service and Activities
Trinity meets for Sunday Service at 10:30am with opportunity for all ages to participate. We additionally play host to many mid-week activities. View our activities calendar for updated weekly activities and plan to join in! We welcome you to participate with us! |
"Come in, come in and sit down, you are a part of the family. We are lost and we are found, and we are a part of the family....We're all forgiven by God's grace, for we are a part of the family".
(James K. Manley, © 1984, J. Manley Publishing. OneLicense A725503).